Blogs | BonOzone


Fruits and Vegetables – 6 Reasons to Buy the Purifier Pro

The present situation has transformed the way we process our vegetables and fruits before they are consumed. It has intensified our apprehensions and forced us to think about different ways...

Why do we say Ozone Sterilization is the friend of our generation?

The 2K kids and people of this generation have no patience, not complaining but the fast phase of life has become the new normal and everyone is running a race...

A ‘Heal’thier Mother Earth

We often worry about Mother Earth, or let us put it this way, we are often concerned about Mother Earth on certain days. Yes, days like, Earth Day, Earth hour,...

8 Things which you can sterilize with an Ozonator

How often do we think about the cleanliness of our surroundings? Well, quite a few times? When you see visible dirt or garbage, maybe?  What about pollution, it is not...

Top 5 Ozonators in India

We are delighted to list down the five most authentic, effective and efficient ozone disinfectors in our country. There is no order as such thing as the “TOP” or “Bottom”,...

The importance of Ozonated water

Water is an important source of life. 70% of the earth is made up of water. Without water life cannot exist. Despite earth being covered by 70% water there is...